i'm not going to talk about how long i took to wake up, or how i brushed my teeth, or how breakfast tasted. [well, breakfast was nice..] or i'll bore you to death.
[this is going to be a LONGGGGGGGGGG POST]
okay, had choir. i overslept AGAIN. but this time i decided to take the cab so i was only late for 5 minutes. a buck gone though D: choir was just choir, we learnt salmo150 and a zzz song called CHUA-ay. sorry. i just find the chua amusing xD
so uhm yup. we were released 20 minutes late...
rushed back home to get ky's present, change my clothes, bring my jacket yadayada.
ohwell. turned out ash and kaiying were late -.-
met at simei platform yup! and ashley, wear a shirt next time you go out LOLOL [okay insider's joke. or ashley do you get it lol]
their 10 minutes yo! x] but nevermind i wasn't very early either.
met yeni at the eunos platform, and her earrings are damn cute haha! x]
oh anyway. crapped alot during the mrt trip i think. conversations forgotten~
met jiaying at somerset~! sorry we made you wait for half an hour D:
well anyway jiaying looks pretty as usual ;]
[sorry this part is boring x[ but i like to make detailed and succinct recounts so yup. just squint your eyes and look for the [exciting] [funny] [entertaining] parts! xD]
blahblah..walked to cineleisure! went up the escalator and bought tickets
[ohman this recount is seriously boring]
uhh okay, we didn't walk 108 steps to the place [please understand this if you've watched SECRET] okay. not funny -___-
we walked up the left escalator, passed by spiderman, saw a poster with a person wearing my shoes, saw kaiying's present, saw loads of food [blueberry cheesecake!] and yadayada again!
ANYWAY! we bought our movie tickets for SECRET [3.15 show] at 7 bucks each;
mygod i think my maths has deproved or something o.O i wonder how long i took to figure out the change i had to take -.-|||
and since we were H-U-N-G-R-Y, we ran down to SUBWAY for lunch!
right. so i ate subway like, 5 days ago when i came with jiaying xinhui and ashley LOL.
but nevermind, subway is love [ashley, laugh! xD]
so yup we sat at our own places; yeni sat at xinhui's seat, and kaiying sat at the place where we put our bags! xDD
[actually the seats are not rightfully ours..but i love sitting at the same table in restaurants and stuff. like the COUPLE'S TABLE at YOSHINOYA TAMPINES! :DDDDD]
my normal orders again, COLD CUT TRIO in italian bread, with NO ONIONS and CAPSICUMS, topped with EXTRA OLIVES and toasted with CHEESE, with a squirt of HONEY MUSTARD and a dash of pepper [wait, i thought they only use it on "a dash of salt"]
jiaying had the same thing too x]
rarrrrr. and all of you please don't eating so quickly! D:
[and don't counting the number of times i uh, open my mouth and put the food back down -.-]
lunch was entertaining though.
we had ahlians waving at us,
the dance people [the rest except for me] saw their senior,
we saw a girl wearing some gothic outfit who turned out to be ky's senior last time,
and we saw the sticky flipflops that doesn't have a strap!
and can somebody tell me how did the word 'shampoo' came about? T.T
yeahyeah. went up after lunch, and while the rest were buying POPCORN and NACHOS,
yeni and i went to the TOILET! lol BLADDERPROBLEMGIRL and TOILET QUEEN xD
haha yes i've found a toilet partner too yo! *waves to yeni*
we were like "ahh quick we need the toilet! ~" [i think]
anyway the toilet there is cool! the hairdryer has a screen that shows trailers! x]]
and guess what! we walked to the wrong storey, and were feeling diaoded -.-|||
walked past a lan shop with super clear monitors~~ i like! ^^
[not the lan shop, i like the monitors~ its like so wide and clear!]
we were abit late for the movie D:
nevermind about that, we were at the second and third row, and the cinema's like, tiny! D:
i actually liked the movie without the twist -.-|||
i'm lazy to type the summary here, but i think xiaoyu is very chio! ^^
and the piano battle part was dammit cool.
and the way jay plays the piano is funny haha. his fingers are flat oO
but i heard he's a good pianist so its okay haha [no, i'm not a jay fan]
on the whole, movie was alright ba. but i can't stand the obvious computer graphics -.-||
super fake and all rarr.
and oh, i was like predicting all their moves throughtout the movie HAHA
[and surprisingly most of them were correct]
that's why i LAUGHED when something bad/mushy happened. basically i was laughing at the wrong parts cause its totally what i had predicted xD
like the part where jay kissed qingyi.
obvious thing was that xiaoyu would witness everything, then she would run away, jay would chase after her, then she'd disappear for some time. cliched storylines a guess ;]
and oh! the part of the graduation!
i was guessing jay would play the song he wanted to dedicate to xiaoyu [even though she's missing], then xiaoyu would somehow appear at the end of the graduation hall, then she would be touched and run away, then jay would stop suddenly and chase after her...
yadda, now you know why i was laughing. i'm am not SUCH a saddist okay -___-
and oh, so you can say everything is sorta cliche or that the director [jay himself] had left alot of clues all around. though i was abit lost when the just started the twist thing haha.
and anyway! during the piano battle, i thought qingyi was talking to xiaoyu?!?! [or maybe i saw wrongly] if she was, then it'll be weird because ONLY jay can see xiaoyu right.
and! how come the cleaner york can see xiaoyu? at the part where xiaoyu ran away after jay kissed qingyi. he was like, "xiaoyu pao le!"
okay, only jay can see xiaoyu right. [unless the story indicates that jay's dad can ALSO see xiaoyu in the "future"]
so there's some contradictory parts i guess. [or unless i missed out some parts]
nevertheless, i wouldn't say i've wasted my money ba ^^
anyway the movie theatre was like THIS cold. kaiying and i were hugging each other and shivering while walking HAHA.
TOILET again after movie, [haha yeni xD]
window shopping was next! :DDDD we gave up on the cineleisure, so we walked to heeren!
guess what i saw! the fountain again! it was spewing water again!
so i took my time to find a nice angle to take a shot, just as i was about to press the button down..
like fountain, walau can you stop being so mean to me man! T.T
i decided to wait for it and do some window shopping in the meantime.
went to num and uhh, alot of shops. saw alot of ASHLEY style clothes
meaning: off shoulder, with doggie prints on them xDDD
and oh, then the fountain started spewing water three or four stories high again!
so, i RAN up the escalator, hoping that i'll get a nice bird's eye view shot WITHOUT the fountain stopping while i attempt to take a shot -.-
guess what happened.........[read the below picture before i describe the situation. sorry the drawings are like seriously lousy -.- just a quick random idea while i was doing hw...]

[read it from top left to top right, then from bottom left to bottom right]
[third picture: stunned; stops in track ^^]
[last picture: T.T embarrassing is NOT a grammatical error, its meant to be my thoughts, like: sob, so embarrassing]
now, so i was running up the escalator, happily looking at my endpoint. when suddenly.
i saw a flash of green and [i can't remember what colour] in front of me. two couples hugging on the escalator. a step away from me oO
so yeah i stopped just on time, but was SADLY too close to them.
they looked at me, i swear i had this weird "oh shitttt" look on my face then -__-
and they made way for me, so i happily ran up the escalator again :D
and when i reached, jiaying ashley kaiying yeni were like
"emma! you broke the couple apart!" *laughlaughlaugh*
okay sorry couple D: according to kaiying, i've taken my pictures at the expense of a couple, HAHA!
nice one, and im sorry again okay! don't haunt me~ T.T
so here are the pictures! first three by kaiying~
[looks like fire yes]
and yes, the first photo i took
rarr rarrr.
oh and ashley. she asked if i wanted to go HMV, i was like: hmm, kinda bored of that place. but anything ba.
so she just went in in the end.
wait. i thought it was super funny at that time. might have forgotten something.
saw the SECRET cd! ^^ the one with all the piano pieces~~~~
uhh, went out after awhile. cause we were like,
"what are we doing here? -.-"
"don't know..."
"if that's the case then lets just walk out of this place -.-"
and went upstairs.
ACTION CITY is the home of many CUTE stuff! there's these cute plastic toys that spin around or move their limbs up and down when you pull a string!
and there's like dog paws and the CK [white] apple ^^
of course there were the shit soft toy and the monsters inc figurines, the massager hand and nice toy dispenser things that ashley loves haha.
so, when we were out of the shop, kaiying exclaimed:
"ohmygosh i thought that man was a statue!"
me: "*turns around* OMG haha yesyeyes. his head is SHINY .__."
ashley: "where!where! *turns and looks* *gives her zhao pai laugh* HAHAHA I THOUGHT SO TOO!"
jiaying,yeni: "*laughs*"
yes bald man at the restaurant sorry we laughed but we really thought you were a statue D:
lalala window shopping is just love! there was this interesting shop at the top storey.
you put an item into this container consisting of two concave dishes, one with a hole on it
the item you put in would be projected out! its kinda coolyes. so we tried putting my heart in it [there was a frog their initially], so that the frog looked like it was hugging the heart x]
very nice. and cute markers too!
left the place at 6 i think, on the way to the mrt we saw our $1 choco dipped double ice cream cone. nobody except ashley ate in the end though, cause we were full and i wanted something hot and salty.
[inserts jiaying's cracked ice cream picture]
hmm i haven't ask jiaying if i can post that pic up here, so for now, you'll just have the captions.
went to seven eleven! and had MASHED POTATOES! ^^
its love! :DDD but guess what, when i took the lid for the bowl, i saw this:
very hilarious. and vegetable juice is heavenly!
uhh yes, and we were supposed to spread the love about some christianity thing..
jiaying gotoff at dhobyghaut.
and oh, never lend ashley your phone esp when it contains many nice songs LOL xD
so there were ky yeni me and ash. i think we were crapping about yeni's phone call haha!
the one which made her sleep at 2+ oO
yeni hope your eyebags will be gone soon!
its kinda freaky ya. she had this forwarded msg that asked her to call a number, and when you call it there'll be a freaky canto voice...i only heard the ending. it said sth like
"i'll call you back later"
oO *shivers*
after yeni got off and ashley got off, i was left alone T.T
nevermind its only one stop anyway.
spent my time looking for the secret scores and it got sent to me via email in the end.
anyway, happy birthday kaiying!
buffoon haha! x]]
kbye~ i've got loads of undone work -.-
ashley: heyo SADDIST EMMA !!! be t ur at hm mugging now. gonna go out wif kaikai for a study date welcum to join us ehh at tm =D
{NOT a saddist! no i wasn't i was at choir -.- and yes i saw the both of you at starbucks and said hi xDDDD}
sheena: hello emma (:
{hello sheena! :DDD}
kaiying!: THANKS EMMA FUNG haha

{hahaha WELCOME KAIKAI! :D yup saw you already x] spywork is funny hahaha}
yeNi: dun call me back! haha your file is still with me!
{LOL maybe i'll call you back later! xD joking. yeah i forgot about it omg, i'll see it on monday then! and toilet partner yo!}
SIYUN: oh my gosh you racist you! no wonder!
{hahahaha, so i think only two people in the whole class knows why i suddenly laughed hysterically .__.}
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